Panache Theatrical Productions
Encore said: Kevin Wilson Wilson put a internal and external performance from both sides of drama and comedy. Stepping into the pointed toe shoes, the sad-looking bastard combines both skills masterfully to defy suspension of disbelief.
A trio of “Not Ready for Christmas” carolers who pop in from time not only harmonize wonderfully, but they’re funny ; They might even bring a tear to your eye during a gorgeous rendition of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.” Not only does the show sound great, but this is one of the better-looking productions of “Santaland” I’ve seen.
Encore said:
"St. Germain’s script is smart, provocative, compelling, and enticing.....Saperstein breathes life into the words to make for an evening of theatre that is unforgettable."
Star News said:
"A story well-told, or a life well-lived, is always relevant, valuable in itself. Saperstein’s performance is studied and remarkable... “
Star News said:
"Score one for the elf with a funny and tuneful production. Jamey Stone's (Crumpet) strengths are that he's a practiced comic and a strong actor who knows how to hit the high points of this material and make it, or rather keep it, funny. The man knows how to get a laugh.
Encore said:
"Rapid-fire emotion: Director Anthony David Lawson and cast hit on all fronts!
Star News said:
"Director Anthony Lawson does a fantastic job with his casting, however, and the production moves along as smoothly and fast-paced as Sorkin intended."
Our Past Productions and Press
Encore said:
Panache’s production watches three people struggle and reckon with division, but ultimately find a way to unite and to bring the audience closer through shared joy, empathy and even learning. That’s a lot for one night of theatre. Frankly, without a lot of skill, timing and comedy, it wouldn’t work at all. But it does.
Encore said:
The Heathers are so exceptional, especially the leader of the pack, Heather Chandler, as played by Alexa Knippenberg. Every hair flip she gives comes packed with intent to intimidate. Marie Long as Heather Duke nails the resting bitch face. To no avail; Long punctuates the air with a rabid desire to take the lead, even in her “woman of few words” demeanor. Kire Stenson as Heather McNamara brings a softness to the character to pillow the hard-nosed indifference swirling about.
Hunter Wyatt as Veronica Sawyer carries hers like she’s wearing her heart on her book sleeve. She also comes across as more empathetic than the onscreen version—something needed for the role to make her plight believable between wanting to fit in and wanting to be kind.
Encore said: he Man Who Shot Liberty Valance” is a first-rate night out to the theatre. It offers crackerjack timing and a bit of good luck to do what is most important in the field of art: entertain.
Star News said: A well-staged production that’s deliberately paced but compelling. There’s plenty to like here, from the well-tuned performances, excellent costumes and a rambling, rustic set, with its requisite swinging saloon doors, corner spittoon and dusty, bare-bones look of an old Western bar room.