Panache Theatrical Productions


This intriguing and beautiful folk opera delivers a deeply resonant and defiantly hopeful theatrical experience. Following two intertwining love stories – that of young dreamers Orpheus and Eurydice, and that of immortal King Hades and lady Persephone – Hadestown invites audiences on a hell-raising journey to the underworld and back. Inspired by traditions of classic American folk music and vintage New Orleans jazz, Mitchell’s beguiling sung-through musical pits industry against nature, doubt against faith, and fear against love.

Hadestown: Teen Edition is a full-length adaptation of Anaïs Mitchell’s Hadestown, modified for performance by teen actors for family audiences.

Run time: 120 minutes with 15 minute intermission
Rating: Recommended for all agesType your paragraph here.

Photos courtesy of James Bowling and Hannah Foy.

A big thank you to the community for your support of Panache! We are happy to have received the award for Best Musical for 2018 and 2019! 

Theatre where you can expect the unexpected.